Should I Rent My House Furnished?


One of the crucial decisions you face as a landlord is whether to rent your property furnished or unfurnished. This choice can significantly impact your rental income, tenant satisfaction, and overall management ease. At DeSantis Property Management, we understand the complexities involved in this decision and aim to provide you with a clear, practical guide…

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Pennsylvania Landlord Insurance

Are you thinking about buying a rental property in Pennsylvania? Investing in real estate in the Keystone State can be an incredibly profitable venture. However, there are many risks associated with owning and managing a property in this state, from missed payments and tenant-caused damages to natural disasters and structural issues.  That’s why so many…

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Tenant Late Fees and Grace Periods

Tenant Late Fees and Grace Periods

Are you tired of juggling late rent payments and wondering how to keep your tenants punctual? Understanding tenant late fees and grace periods can be the key to maintaining a smooth rental operation.  As a landlord, balancing fairness and firmness is essential for fostering a positive relationship with your tenants. In this article, we’ll explore…

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Holdover Tenant

The challenges of managing rental properties are numerous and diverse. One such issue that landlords frequently have to deal with is a “holdover tenant.” When a lease expires, a holdover tenant stays in the rental property without the landlord’s permission to stay longer or an additional agreement in place. From the end of the lease…

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Rental Documents Landlords Need

Rental Documents Landlords Need

When renting out property, landlords need to be meticulous about the documents they manage. This ensures a smooth operation and helps protect the rights of both the landlord and the tenant.  Here are the essential rental documents landlords should have in their possession. Rental Application: Before a lease agreement is signed, a rental application is…

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Costs That Landlords Don’t Notice They’re Accruing

Costs That Landlords Don’t Notice They’re Accruing

Being a landlord can be a lucrative venture, but beneath the surface of rental income lies a web of expenses that can easily slip under the radar. While some costs are obvious and factored into initial calculations, others quietly accumulate over time, catching landlords off guard.  If you leave this unresolved, these expenses can eat…

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Why Single-Family Homes Are Great for New Investors?

Why Single-Family Homes Are Great for New Investors?

Ever wondered why single-family homes make an ideal choice for new investors diving into the real estate realm? From manageable upkeep to a steady flow of potential tenants, this article delves into the unique perks that make these properties an excellent starting point for those starting out on their real estate investment journey.  Exploring Single-Family…

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Why Pet Screening Is Always a Good Idea

Why Pet Screening Is Always a Good Idea

As owning pets become more popular it may be time to consider allowing them into your rental. Offering a pet-friendly rental space broadens your market base and gives you more top-quality tenants to select from. However, you should also create a solid pet screening procedure to limit the risks of property damage. Pets can create…

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How To Finance Investment Property

How To Finance Investment Property

​​​Are you trying to broaden  your investment portfolio but aren’t sure how to finance your next property? Navigating the financial world can be intimidating, with the right expertise, it can become an exciting path towards success and growth.  This guide is tailored specifically for property owners like you, aiming to demystify the process of securing…

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Mastering the Art of Rent Collection: Strategies for On-Time Payments

Ever wondered how some landlords always seem to receive their rent payments punctually? It’s not about luck but mastering the art of effective rent collection.  Navigating the intricacies of rental properties comes with its own set of challenges, and timely rent collection can often feel like an uphill battle. But it doesn’t have to be! …

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